Microsoft 2008 Ppt Mac Templates

Creating outlines for PowerPoint invarious external applications lets you stay away from distractions in PowerPoint-land. Once you have the outlines done, it's very easyto import it in the form of slides into PowerPoint. While this import process works the same way in all versions of PowerPoint, thereare small interface changes. In this tutorial, we'll show you how to import outlines in PowerPoint 2008 for Mac:

Even if you need to create a PPT Pitch, Quiz or any other presentation in PowerPoint, the templates can make this job easier. You can access Microsoft Office online templates for Mac or find specific topic templates for example medical templates or business. Feb 10, 2011 It is possible to create your own accessible templates from scratch in PowerPoint 2008 for Mac. As well, you can edit and modify the existing prepackaged templates, ensuring their accessibility as you do so and saving them as a new template. To create an accessible template. Create a new document.

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Microsoft 2008 Ppt Mac Templates

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  1. Launch PowerPoint (see Figure 1). Note that the program typically starts with an empty slide.

  2. Figure 1: PowerPoint 2008
  3. From the main menu choose Insert | Slides From |Outline File (see Figure 2).

  4. Figure 2: Outline File
  5. This will open the Choose a File dialog box that you can see in Figure 3. Select theoutline file and click on the Insert button. Note that your outline needs to be either a TXT (Text) or RTF (RichText Format) file. Curiously, Word documents are not supported for importing outlines in PowerPoint for Mac.

  6. Figure 3: Choose a File dialog box
  7. This will import the outlines into PowerPoint as slides (see Figure 4). Do note that thisprocess only adds slides to an existing presentation, and does not replace any existing slides (you can still see the empty, firstslide from Figure 1).

  8. Figure 4: PowerPoint presentation after importing slides from outline
  9. As shown in Figure 5, all the text from the outline can be seen in the Outline Pane. This same textalso shows up in slides as textplaceholders (see Text Placeholders vs. TextBoxes).

  10. Figure 5: Outline Pane
  11. Save the presentation.

Typically, there are three common ways in whichyou can create slides in PowerPoint. All these three ways can be combined with each other but it is best to start with creating anoutline for your presentation in another program. Mac users can create outlines in TextEdit. In addition, you can use Microsoft Wordas well. In this tutorial, we'll show how you can use Word 2008 for Macto create an outline for a PowerPoint presentation.

  1. Launch Finder (just click the Mac HD icon on your desktop) and go to your Applicationsfolder, where you will find an icon for Word 2008. Double-click this icon to run this application.
  2. Launch a new Word document (see Figure 1).

  3. Figure 1: Word 2008 document
  4. Now type in all the text content you want within your slide titles and text placeholders on separate lines, as shownin Figure 2. If you do not know what a text placeholder in PowerPoint is, look atour Text Boxes vs.Placeholders tutorial.

  5. Figure 2: Text content for your slides
  6. Click the Style drop down list, as shown in Figure 3. The Style list displays minimumstyles by default.

  7. Figure 3: Styles list
  8. To get more styles, from the main menu choose Format | Style (see Figure4).

  9. Figure 4: Style
  10. This will open the Style dialog box, that you can see in Figure 5.

  11. Figure 5: Style dialog box
  12. By default, the Style dialog box displays a minimum number of styles. To see all the styles, accessthe List popup menu (highlighted in red) as shown in Figure 6, andchoose the All styles option.

  13. Figure 6: All styles
  14. This will populate the Styles list, as shown highlighted in red withinFigure 7.

  15. Figure 7: All styles
  16. Now select the Heading style from the list and click Apply button. Repeat till all the Heading stylesare selected.
  17. Figure 8 shows the Styles list populated with all added Heading styles.

  18. Figure 8: Styles list
  19. Now you can format the outline so that PowerPoint can understand which line of text is a slide title, the first levelbullet, the second level bullet, etc. To do that you need to follow these guidelines:
    1. For slide titles, select the text and choose Heading 1 style.
    2. For first level bullets (or subtitles in a title slide), select the text and choose Heading 2 style.
    3. For the second level bullets, select the text and choose Heading 3 style.
  20. For any subsequent levels of bullets (third, fourth, etc.), select the text that you want to format, and applythe Heading style of that level (Heading 4, Heading 5, etc.).
  21. Once you are done applying styles, your outline may look like what you see in Figure 9 (compareto Figure 2).

  22. Figure 9: Text content for your slides after applying styles
  23. One aspect that we want to draw your attention to is that you can only add the text content for a presentation withinan outline. However, at times, there is some very important info in a presentation that is not text; it could be a picture, a chart, atable, or something else. In that case, you can mention that within the outline; just make it stand out a little different as shownin Figure 10. You'll notice that we added some text to indicate that a table has to be added to a particular slide,and it is within parentheses.

  24. Figure 10: Indicating non-textual content within parentheses
  25. Save your outline within Word as an RTF file. It is important that you save to an RTF (Rich Text Format) file ratherthan as a native Word document because PowerPoint for Mac can only import Word outlines saved as RTF files. To save as RTF, choose theFile | Save As menu option to bring up the Save As dialog box that you see inFigure 11.

  26. Figure 11: Save As dialog box
  27. In this dialog box, select the Format option (highlighted in redin Figure 11) to bring up the drop-down menu that lets you choose between different file formats that Word can saveto. In this drop-down menu, select the Rich Text Format (.rtf) option as shown in Figure 12.

  28. Figure 12: Rich Text Format option selected
  29. This outline is now in a format that PowerPoint can import, and create new slides. To learn how to import this outlineinto PowerPoint 2008, look at our Import Outlinesin PowerPoint 2008 for Mac tutorial. And, to learn how to import this outline into other versions of PowerPoint, lookhere: Outlines: Import.